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Sep 30, 2013


 photo 4-29.jpg

Kitties all over! Kitty cats for lunch and dinner! The top from F21 was initially long sleeve, but with the blazing heat here in PR got the scissors and snap! Off they went! Those AA pants never stop being amazing. This ones I got them for a really cool deal on ebay for $30! They don't jam your stomach into your ribs like other tight pants might do. NOW.... the docs... I couldn't pass them on when I saw them at ebay for $35! I had sold a few of my clothes so I went for them! I really love how the polka gives a bit of texture to the outfit and the color scheme of black white and purple repeated. The blazer as you an see is super unique, what else can I say about it?

 photo 2-49.jpg  photo 3-34.jpg

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

The post and the pictures is so special, fashion clothes !